Royal Public Schools, 2024-2025

Student #1 Information

Please enter student's full name as shown on birth certificate:

Required Information*

First Name*:

Middle Name:

Last Name*:





Date of Birth*:

Grade Applying For*:

School District of Residence:

Select Campus:

Student Identification
The Texas Student Data System matches students to their existing school records using one of the following identifiers. You may access your child's S-number or Texas Student Unique Identification on previous school records or by contacting the child's previous school.

Please provide one of the following identifiers.

Student's Social Security Number (SSN) or S-Number:

Texas Student Unique Identification:

- My child has never been enrolled in Texas public schools (including charter schools).

Providing a SSN is voluntary and used to match a student's Unique ID through the Texas Student Data System. If you do not wish to supply the SSN, please supply the S-number or Texas UID. If no S-number or Texas UID exists, one will be generated.

This is a child of a staff or board member:

(If yes, enter name of the staff or board member:)

Primary Guardian Information

Last Name*:

First Name*:

Street Address of Primary Residence*:



Zip Code*:

Contact Phone Number (xxx xxx-xxxx)*:

Email Address*:

Preferred Contact Method:

CERTIFICATION (Required): By checking this box, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information in this application is complete and accurate, I am the legal guardian of the child listed above, and I understand that any false information, omission, or misrepresentation of facts may result in the rejection of this application or future dismissal of the applicant.

This school does not discriminate on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, or academic or athletic ability.